SOCODE transforms all of the purified linseed, a source of vegetable omega-3. Oleic linseed is flattened and protected from oxidation with a minimum stability of 4 to 6 months.
Our finished products Lin+ and Lin+ pet food are particularly rich in essential fatty acids (a source of vegetable omega-3) and their high digestive value make these products very attractive for animal feed.
The flattening of the linseed cracks the seeds without deeply affecting the cellular structure and the natural antioxidant factors in the lignin. This processing enables a progressive release of the oil. The flattening does not affect the physical and chemical characteristics of the mucilage present in the linseed.
- excellent regulation of the gastrointestinal functions;
- high energy value;
- significant level of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3;
- preserves the natural antioxidants of the seed.
Here are the main characteristics of Lin+ and Lin+ pet food, a source of vegetable omega-3:
- Physical appearance: linseed particles
- Colour: brown, slightly yellowish
- Odour: typical odour of linseed
Lin+ and Lin+ pet food products, a source of vegetable omega-3, are respectively used for bovines, ovine, pigs, horses, and in pet food (cats and dogs).
Bovines :
- Fattening: from 600 to 800g/day/animal of > 500kg.
- Dairy cattle: ±600 g/day/cow depending on the stage in milk production.
- Calves and young cattle: from ± 2 to 3% in a supplementary diet.
Pigs :
- Fattening: ±2% of the feedstuff during the last ±40 days to increase the omega-3 content of meat.
- Sows: ±3% of the diet at the end of gestation/start of lactation and flushing period.
Horses: from 3% to 5% of the diet.
Laying hens: ±5% for production of omega-3 eggs (requirement of 0.9g omega-3 in the egg).
“Pet food” (LIN+ Petfood) : from 2% to 3% of the diet.
Lin+ and Lin+ pet food are available in:
- 25kg paper bag on 975kg pallet (120x80cm);
- 800kg big bag, on pallet (100x100cm);
- reinforced 800kg big bag on pallet (100x100cm);
- bulk.